Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday, Dec 18

Last night, I went to the Buxton Food Pantry's quarterly meeting at their request. What a warm reception I received! I explained the bootcamp, My PowerMall and what I had been doing since Nov 24. I explained the challenges I faced.....and asked for their help in getting the word out. No doubt it will, now. These strong women do the impossible every day. Our meeting last night was in an unheated room in the food pantry. The group was older than I am, but no one complained about having to go out on a cold, icy night. Their priority was making sure the people in need had food, especially following the ice storm. Our food pantry was fortunate because there was a generator. Many food pantries lost all their frozen food with the power outages over the weekend. One thing I know for sure, Maine people step up when others are in need. I love living here.

Jim and I started a World Changer Mall for our good friends Mike and Betsy. Mike was a State Trooper for many years until he developed cancerous brain tumors several years ago. Betsy's sister sent an email out asking for help. Because of the cancer, Mike needs special adaptations to their home. Have you ever met people and felt like you've known them forever? That's Mike and Betsy. Jim and I would do anything for them. And so, we did what we thought was the best thing for them, set them up with a World Changer mall.

I have been kind of down for the past several weeks. My next door neighbor, Donna, lost her 18 year battle with cancer. I have known Ed and Donna for ten years, they are like grandparents to our kids. Donna has been like a Mom to me. She was a straight shooter. You got what you got, the truth. I remember one time, after my youngest was born, I went out for a much needed break thinking all was under control with my husband home.
Well, I wasn't home ten minutes when the phone rang and it was Donna.
"I hope you enjoyed your time out, you really deserve it. Just wanted to let you know that your boys were on the roof while you were gone."

Apparently, my husband and both neighbor husbands were drinking their Belgian beers on the patio, thinking they were watching the kids.

One thing about this bootcamp that is so amazing. We get a glimpse into 25 lives. These are such strong people. I just want to get together and meet all of you!
Opening up on such a public forum can be tough, we risk the negative comments. But, I am so glad I take that risk because we are all focused on good intentions.
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Week 4, Day1

Big ice storm in Maine this weekend, so my travels today were limited to my daughters' schools. No followups this weekend, and no visit to the Old Port as that area is still without power.
I still have three principals of large private high schools reviewing the information I sent them. I called the president of the local boosters today to follow up on the letter I wrote last week and left a message that I would try again later.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Week 3 Day 5

I thought a long time about the past two days. Had I learned anything from my efforts, or were they a write off? I am a visual person so I had to close my eyes and try to picture myself following up with a business owner. Every time I did, it was face to face, then the words came. Maybe the phone is not the way for me? I need to read body language to be able to adjust my conversations. Could it be that simple? Yes, it's so convenient to call or email, but am I looking for convenience or results?
I am working on a simple handout about the Business Partnership Program, cut and pasted from stuff Ginny already prepared. Next week, I'll venture into the Old Port, a really cool section of Portland with hundreds of local vendors. I'll go store to store and develop relationships.
I also contacted BNI. I looked them up online and found a local chapter in Portland. Everyone who attends the meetings is looking for referrals. Do I still own business suit? Yikes! Will I still fit in it?

Yes, my positive energy is back. We had an ice storm here last night and woke up to no power. The kid love it when there's no power because we all sit together on the couches and talk with lots of candles on. I was telling them how I was strugglng but not giving up. Boy, did I get my own words back at me! "Never give up Mom, you can do anything you set your mind to!", "Did anyone EVER promise you life would be easy, Mom?" And my favorite," This isn't about YOU, Mom. Remember why you are doing this."

Well, it IS nice to know some stuff I say actually sinks in!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Week 3 Day 4

I spent yesterday and today doing follow up and contacting businesses. Not good days for me! This is definitely my weak point, I just feel like I'm bothering people when I call them back. I know I have something very positive to offer, but it doesn't translate in my conversation.
Contacting businesses is also not my cup of tea. I understand that it may be easier for some, but I have to feel a real connection to the cause. It's just too much like sales. I had to take an aptitude test once when I worked for a Fortune 100 company. They were looking for female managers in sales. I scored so low on that test that they must have thought I was dead.
I am going back to focusing on non profits and local people. I need to get my positive energy flowing again! I'll find a way.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Week 3 Day 3

I looked up the local Chamber of Commerce website today and contacted the first ten retail clothing businesses. I decided to focus tomorrow on lobster/seafood companies because they're really struggling right now. It amazes me that when I take the focus off my own needs, it suddenly becomes very clear who I have to help. I have learned in my 45 years to follow my gut instincts. There has been a name floating around in my head for a few days, my son's teacher from 11 years ago. This man is now the principal of a parochial high school in Maine. I sat down and wrote a letter to him asking specifically for his help in getting My PowerMall off the ground in Maine. Eleven years ago, I was the local manager for a large grant making foundation. I knew he would remember the work I did in the area. I also had a gut feeling to check an online community chat forum on Oprah. Now, my kids will tell you, I am not a chat room person, I had never done it before this one. But several weeks ago, I got onto Oprah's Angel Network forum under Making a Difference. You can't list web sites but I put:

Ginny Dye's idea for perpetual funding for all non profits!
ajcorbett Posted on Dec 2, 2008 2:26 PM
The CEO/Founder of Together We Can Change The World is on a mission to create perpetual funding for all non profits, schools, charities and the people who support them. She created MyPowerMall as the vehicle. Please take a look! This company deserves the spotlight!

Well, there was a response today! Someone asked for more information! I had not even thought about the entry I made until today. Always trust your gut instinct, and that little voice inside that's directing you!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Week 3 Day 2

Every day that I'm in on the bootcamp call, I learn something new. Yesterday, Linda told us about how small businesses could benefit greatly from the online advertising for only $16 a month. That's the amazing thing about My PowerMall, there are many facets on one beautiful gem! Today, I contacted 2 B&Bs, The Kenniston Hill Inn and the Lazy Dog Inn, where my husband and I stayed last year. In New England, this is down time for them. Wouldn't it be amazing for the innkeepers to maintain a steady income year round with My PowerMall?

I also contacted Carrabassett Coffee, another Maine company with the best dark roasted coffee in the world! I said "I am contacting businesses that I do business with to tell you about an amazing advertising opportunity with My PowerMall."
I contacted Mary Ann Saxby, the realtor who sold us our house 10 years ago and the woman who took beautiful B & W pictures of our family by the beach last fall, Kelly Mank. All of these local business people would LOVE to have their business out there on the web for such a low price! What other advertising ALSO gives you a secondary income stream?

Thanks Linda for the great idea!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Week 3 Day1

Today was follow up day. I called the principal from a private girls High School, the campus minister and chair of another private school's Habitat for Humanity Club, and a principal from a private elementary. I had written letters to all 3 last week. The letters are being passed around to the appropriate people in each school! They did not hit the round file! I was even THANKED for a follow up call! Thanks for thinking of our school, one woman said!
I also did some calculations for still another private school principal, showing how 500 students becoming World Changers, contacting 5 alumni each, and those alum contacting 5 would generate over $78,000/month for the school from the 3 sources of income. I sent this to him in an email saying I would be calling him tomorrow. Sometimes you just gotta get to the bottom line quickly.

I also sent a letter to the local football boosters. the local HS won the state championships again this year. I'll be going to their monthly meeting in January, and I will follow up with the president on Friday. Right now, the football team sells cards for $20 with discounts for local pizza and sandwich shops as a fund raiser. I think the local merchant mall will sound very good to them!
I also called a woman referred to me by one of my husband's coworkers. Her son is also a police officer.Isent her an email with the MyPowerMall details last Friday. She will call me back tonight after her daycare closes.

Week 2 day 5

Today, I hopped on the kid's buses in the morning to give my card to each driver. I have a note attached that starts out 'Please read this, it's so important to people right here in Buxton', and goes on to explain the bootcamp. I followed up on yesterday's contacts, but got all voicemails, so I will try again Monday. I am taking Ginny's advice and moving on from the public schools. However, number one on my to-do list for Monday is to contact the boosters in this area. I will continue to pursue private schools. This is really a revolutionary concept that needs to be in the spotlight. My sons go to Cheverus High School. The school challenges the entire Cheverus community to seek the “greater good” and to embody this vision by becoming men and women for others. I have written letters to the principal and the faculty member in charge of their Habitat for Humanity Club. Follow up will be on Monday. I believe that when these school leaders realize that My PowerMall could provide perpetual, increasing funding for the school itself, local Habitat for Humanity, as well as enable each student to select his/her own charity to support, My PowerMall will soar.
One of the bootcampers said it well, maybe it was Herb, when he said to go to people who already have the spirit of giving.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Week 2, Day 4

After the bootcamp call this morning, I thought about who I could follow up with from the past. In October, I spoke with the Buxton PTO about My PowerMall. It didn't go well. I think they were afraid to take a chance that it wasn't legit. I can understand that, but I was frustrated because I KNEW it was the fundraiser to end all fundraisers. So today, I went in to see the principal. I know the secretary, so I gave her Ginny's NPO information letter with my World Changer Reality BootCamp card attached. The principal wasn't there, but I asked her to give it to him. I also explained that the superintendent received a similar letter in the mail today. I think it's fiscally responsible to explore every opportunity to generate and save money in a school district. I also think it's just as much a responsibility for a caring person in low income community to offer hope. My PowerMall offers hope and so much more. I will call the principal tomorrow to follow up.

Meet Gwen from the Buxton Food Pantry

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Week 2, Day 3

I focused more on non profits today, so I spent some time brushing up on all the stuff Ginny prepared in the NPO section of the back office. I cut and pasted parts of her NPO info letter and created my own personalized letter to send out. With five kids, I've spent about 12 years so far on PTO committees. I know how hard those parents and teachers work to earn money for the extras that mean so much in education. So today, I sent a letter to all the PTO chairs. In the letter, I said things like "Remember how hard we worked to make $2000 at those baked haddock suppers in a 100+ degree kitchin in July?" Well, the school could make that much and more each month with no work at all. AND, did I mention that all the volunteers could make the SAME AMOUNT? I'll let you know how the follow up goes next week.

Tonight, I was in the Maine Mall, shopping for shoes for my kids. I was not planning on talking MPM to anyone since I had to rush home and get dinner on.
But,I had to get the salesman to help me so I started up a conversation. I was unsure of whether to get a girl's size or woman's size for my 9 year old. She is blessed with large feet like her mama. Chris said, "Well, if the shoes don't fit, you can always bring your kids in and ..." Right there, I stopped him. "Oh NOOOOOO WAY! I try to avoid bringing five kids in the mall whenever I can!"

"You must do a lot of you shopping online then? What sites do you shop at"

(OK so now I'm thinking Ginny has a hidden camera and Chris is in on the gig. This was spoon fed, I HAD to talk about MPM).

"I have my own PowerMall and I get rebates back from everything I buy!" (I'm now peeking through the shoe racks expecting to see Jacki or Ginny looking back!) "In fact, My PowerMall also gives money to a charity that I chose. Here, let me give you the site address." "Oh this is great, he says, I have a big family too."

I don't know what I did to deserve this wonderful karmic present, but I wish one for all the bootcampers!

I feel another shoe shopping trip coming on real soon!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Week 2, Day 2

It's amazing when you can see the 'light' go on in people's minds when they really understand what MyPowerMall is all about. I find when they see beyond the obvious personal earning potential, and see the GOOD that can be done, it becomes what Oprah calls an AHA moment. That happened last night to my husband. He was talking to fellow troopers about MPM. One guy, who became a World Changer yesterday, all of a sudden got it. Every one here in Maine state gov't is feeling the pinch, especially the newest troopers. Overtime has been cut and it's based on seniority. A lot of young families are suddenly earning a lot less. His idea was to spread the word about MPM, have every trooper's family become World Changers, and they would all support a non profit together. The families would get the needed income, and a charity would get financial support. Every one would be helping each other to not just survive these difficult times, but to thrive in them.

You know what else is really cool? I found that when I talk to people who may be skeptical about making an income from MPM, the skepticism disappers when I tell them the part of helping out any charity they choose. It's like they're thinking, ok, so it's worth a look. I'm going to take a chance that it's for real. This shows me that in general, people WANT to do good things. People want to help.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Week 2, day 1

Thanksgiving was unusual for me. After putting our turkey in the oven, I sat at my computer to read the blogs. Suddenly, I felt a sharp, unrelenting pain in my chest, I thought I was having a heart attack. My husband and I spent all day in the ER. As you can imagine, our kids were very worried about me. While I was undergoing tests, all I could think about was how unimportant most stuff really is. In those minutes of panic, all I wanted was time with my family. Fortunately, the tests were all negative. For that I am so thankful!

We got home around 4pm, the kids had the table set with a homemade centerpiece! I put all the food on the table (luckily, I had prepared everything the day before.) Well, the turkey looked done, but after we all said grace, Jim cut into the wonderful, crispy on the outside, raw in the inside turkey! We all just burst into laughter! Apparently, I had turned the oven off when we left for the ER, although I don't remember doing this. We laughed so hard we had tears rolling down our cheeks! I'm telling you this because it's important to spend your life doing what matters. My PowerMall matters. Together We Can Change the World matters. This bootcamp matters. There are so many people getting together to do good.

Today, I had no fear as I made my contacts. My husband just called me, HE got a State Trooper to become a World Changer! He spoke with another trooper, told him all about My PowerMall and what I was doing. This Trooper, Chuck, said "If it's to help your wife, I'll do it" Here are two guys who dedicate themselves daily to giving, and now they're ready to give even more!

One of my contacts was the superintendent of our school district. Schools are being hit hard here in Maine with budget cuts. I said to her "I am an ambassador for My PowerMall, a division of Together We Can Change the World. The mission of My PowerMall is to provide perpetual funding for schools, non profits and regular people just like us! Can you imagine having ever INCREASING funding for school programs? Can you imagine teachers, janitors, lunch ladies and principals getting a monthly supplement to their pay of over $2000? Can I please have your contact information so we can discuss this?

I'm dangerous when I have no fear:)

I went right home wrote a professional letter to her, recapping everything, and will follow up with a call tomorrow during school hours.

Another person emailed me about my blog. She said "Your mission is great! Someday, I'd like to do something like that for the animal shelter"

Out goes one email explaining how she COULD do it, right now and I would help. I gave her the link to our foundation mall, and asked if I could call her about it.

Just keep focused on what's important.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Day 4

I just got back in from visiting 12 neighbors this morning. We live in a wonderful sub division with lots of kids. People walk around the block and chat and wave. It was pouring earlier, so my visits were short but important. I told each person what I was doing, how I had been selected for the World Changer Reality Bootcamp, and what it would mean to the Buxton Food Pantry. I envision people rallying behind this effort. I know that in this neighborhood, people always have enough. But I also know that just around the corner, there are just as many people who don't.

Can you imagine, in a year from now, that the food pantry has SO much money that it gives some to another non profit? That is a very real possibility. Then we move on to the next, and the next, until every dollar spent online is consciously directed to a charity.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 3

I did my Thanksgiving grocery shopping today. I hadn't planned on talking to any one at the store since I was in such a rush, but it just sort of happened!
Talk about props! My girls, ages 7 and 9 were with me at Sam's Club, which was packed with people. I was finished with the essentials and had promised them we would look at the toy aisle. They both froze in front of a Hannah Montana guitar/sing along karaoke/noisy toy every parent hates. One of my girls said "Mom, when My PowerMall is really working, and you are making so much money, can we get this, please?" That's all it took for heads to turn and look at me! "Yea, my Mom got picked for a reality show. In the whole world only 25 people got picked."

Of course, this was the one day I didn't want to be seen, if you know what I mean - no makeup, my 'around the house' jeans...but I just couldn't pass up such an intro!

I didn't have my invitation cards, so I panicked a bit, but then just said "I'm working to create a $2000/month income for the Buxton food pantry and whoever else wants to join the team. I could really use your help. Can I have you emails so I can send you the link to my blog and My PowerMall? If you watch the video on my site, it will give you all the details." TaDa!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 2 continues...

Plans changed today. I couldn't go to the USM campus because I had a sick little one at home, so I went to plan B........ Parent Teacher conferences!! I printed out five of the invitation cards, added my own personal touch on the back, and went out in the driving rain with my husband to the school. First, I stopped by the book fair, and talked with a very kind Mom at the cash box, who was genuinely interested. She was easy to approach because she had to sit there, I knew she couldn't get up and run away from me!!

Then I walked down the hall, peering into each classroom. A teacher I didn't recognize (which is odd when you have five kids) caught me looking in and asked if she could help me. I panicked and said "No". Of course, my husband said, "Go in there and talk with her!" So I walked in and said " Actually, I do want to talk with you, I was just chicken!" That broke the ice and our conversation went very well. I told her about the bootcamp and how I was working to take 10 or more people and the Buxton Food Pantry to $2000/month by January 24, 2009 with My PowerMall.

My daughter's teacher has been a favorite for years. After she told us how the pumpkin whoopie cushions I sent in for the class at Halloween were a big hit (what second grader doesn't love that noise??), I wrapped up the conference by telling her all about My PowerMall and the bootcamp. That one was easy, and a nice way to end the day!

Day 2 of Reality Boot Camp

Today I will be going to the University of Southern Maine Gorham campus to tell more people about my efforts to raise money for the Buxton Community Cupboard. I remember back in the day.....a long, long time ago (sigh)....when I was in college. Every one of us needed money for tuition. How cool would it be to help college kids AND the Buxton food pantry?

Something happened to me, maybe it was a change in my attitude, when I talked to my first 5 people yesterday. Suddenly, I realized what a HUGE responsibility I hold in my hands. When I succeed in building 5 World Changer teams, we will have guaranteed the financial stability of the food pantry...GUARANTEED it!

And, there will be a lot of others in my community that will be in a much better place on January 24, 2009.

I need people who want to do this with me. If you are one of the people I spoke with, and handed a card to, please join me! Please go to my web page, follow my blog, become a World Changer! It's so easy, and it's for such a great cause.

Thanks for reading along, wish me luck today : )

Monday, November 24, 2008

Buxton People are Awesome!

I just had my faith in people and myself renewed! Right in my home town of Buxton, four wonderful people in Plummer's Supermarket and Rite Aid listened to me! I told them how I had been chosen as a one of 25 people in this World Changer Reality BootCamp, how I was going to help the Buxton Community Cupboard and 10 others reach $2000/month in 60 days, and the response was incredible. Why was I so scared? Ginny is right, when you talk with people face to face, they can see that you have good intentions. I have no doubt in my mind that I, and many others right here in Buxton who meet me, will be successful.

Let's hope for a wonderful response!

Hi folks!

What a powerful idea - a way for non profit organizations to keep going strong even during difficult economic times. Almost everyone I know shops online. If people just understood that that's all they need to do to help.

I started calling friends today to tell them about the World Changer Reality Boot Camp. I am so excited about this! In 60 days, I will have earned a residual income for a non profit right here in Buxton, Maine. Have you ever volunteered stuffing fundraising envelopes, or selling cupcakes? It's a lot of time and effort, for not so much money. In my previous job, I was the administrator for a large foundation grant and saw the boom or bust cycle that most charities experience. Volunteers have good hearts and good intentions, but get worn out by constant fundraising.

I am finding that people just think this is another one of those multi level things. It a little frustrating. Everyone wants to know what I'm selling. I say "Nothing but a wonderful, powerful idea!"

I am feeling stressed right now because part of my daily challenge is to talk personally with 5 people, and I have been shot down twice. But, it's just day one and I am not giving up. This means too much to so many people.
All five of my children are home now, along with several of their friends. It's loud and chaotic, as usual. I'm going to take off soon to go grocery shopping and talk to 3 more people about My PowerMall. If I get shot down again, I'll just buy me some ice cream and start again tomorrow : )

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hello from Maine!

This is the beginning of a great adventure! I still can't believe I am part of the WC Reality Boot Camp. Yesterday was very challenging day. When I finally settled down for the evening, it was 10 pm. I was a little down because I hadn't heard anything yet about being a Camper. I figured I didn't get in. Just before I checked my email for the last time, I closed my eyes and just said "Please".... and there it was, the email from Jacki! Four of my children were in the room watching a movie, and I just started crying with joy. I just said " I got it, I'm in the WC Reality Boot camp!"
This is HUGE for our family! My husband has been a State Trooper for 23 years. He currently works double shifts so I can be home with the kids. A while back, we all watched 'The Secret'. I asked everyone to create a dream board. After the older boys told me I was nuts (which I already knew!), they did. I could not believe it when all 5 kids had at the top of their list to have Dad home more (okay, so I had new hardwood floors first, but Jim was a close second!)

A few weeks later, I was home alone one afternoon on the Internet. I did a search for 'reputable home based business', one that I had done a thousand times before. Only this time, I was directed to the My Power Mall Corporate page. After watching the videos of Ginny, I knew this was the answer. I became a World Changer right then and haven't looked back. Here's the link to The Corbett Family Foundation Mall

Here's how to help the food pantry and earn money yourself along the way!

Go to

Watch the intro video and World Changer video - very short!

Decide to become a World Changer and click the button!

You'll be directed to the sign up page and then you are on your way!