Thursday, December 4, 2008

Week 2, Day 4

After the bootcamp call this morning, I thought about who I could follow up with from the past. In October, I spoke with the Buxton PTO about My PowerMall. It didn't go well. I think they were afraid to take a chance that it wasn't legit. I can understand that, but I was frustrated because I KNEW it was the fundraiser to end all fundraisers. So today, I went in to see the principal. I know the secretary, so I gave her Ginny's NPO information letter with my World Changer Reality BootCamp card attached. The principal wasn't there, but I asked her to give it to him. I also explained that the superintendent received a similar letter in the mail today. I think it's fiscally responsible to explore every opportunity to generate and save money in a school district. I also think it's just as much a responsibility for a caring person in low income community to offer hope. My PowerMall offers hope and so much more. I will call the principal tomorrow to follow up.


  1. Andrea,

    I loved the letters you used for the PTO and the Superintendent; I can't wait to see what comes from it. Great job.

  2. Andrea,

    Responding to your question on my blog...I just seem to be more focused at night. I am tired but can't seem to settle until I finish what has to get done. Only 2 children are real young, and go to sleep early around 7pm. The other three are 19,17 and 14, so most nights I will lay down and rest a few hours after the little ones are asleep, get up and do some things I want to get done.:)

  3. Hey woman! Don't let the schools frustrate you. They can be a tough nut to crack because there is enough bureaucracy to rival the government. You'll do much better going through the PTO's or Booster Clubs. The PTO should have a 501C3 non-profit designation. If so, go ahead and give them a Free World Changer Mall, and then build a team of parents under them. Some of the people you talk to will be excited about the Food Pantry - others will be more excited about helping the school where their kids go. You'll open the door to more people if you expand your horizons. The Free WCM for NPO's will be live today or Monday. It got slowed down by my being sick. Sorry!


  4. Hi Andrea, just wanted to wish you a GREAT week. Beginning of week 3, and only 5 more to go:) Be blessed! Wanda


Here's how to help the food pantry and earn money yourself along the way!

Go to

Watch the intro video and World Changer video - very short!

Decide to become a World Changer and click the button!

You'll be directed to the sign up page and then you are on your way!