Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29

Brian at Cheverus told me today that his staff had reviewed the information I gave them and their next step was to take it to the school's President. Moving forward!
I called Rus and left a message about TWCCTW Day on March 7, and asked where they were in the process.
A Sgt on the Pike asked Jim if we would hold another meeting about helping Mike, so we will! I am learning to let things unfold. I'm starting from scratch tomorrow, contacting more schools. This way I'll always have something in focus.


  1. Andrea,

    I gave a joyful cheer hearing you back on the calls . . . Welcome back to feeling GREAT. And, I cheered again when you learned that Brian and his staff are moving your proposal onto the President !@!@!@!@! That is FANTASTIC. And, I'm glad that Betsy now knows how much she and Mike are being supported, and having her sister share her contacts lets you know full well she believes in you and what you're trying to do for her. I'll pray they get to keep their house. You are also a great inspiration to us. Thank you.

  2. Andrea, it takes a tree a very long time to be magnificent! You are putting miracle grow on it already. Be Patient! I see some huge forest trees!
    tina from ny

  3. Hey Andrea, It is Sunday. It is not like you to leave us all hanging like this. you have not wrote anything since thursday. I just know you are busy with those signups. I cannot wait to see the results. I am so excited for you.
    tina from ny


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