Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2, 2009

We're coming out the other side of a yucky long weekend filled with children and stomach bugs.....

New World Changer today - one of the Troopers. Several calls from others wanting to know what's going on. I sent out another very specific email with the action steps again. One rule of communications, people need to see something at least 8 times before they remember it.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,

    Congratulations on a new World Changer team member for Mike's family this weekend. Oh so sorry to learn of the stomach bugs, though. I'm glad you said you're on the other side of it . . . You have a large family. Hugs to all of your beautiful family, bugs and all. Hope you have a fantastic week filled with new light, energy and excellent results.


Here's how to help the food pantry and earn money yourself along the way!

Go to

Watch the intro video and World Changer video - very short!

Decide to become a World Changer and click the button!

You'll be directed to the sign up page and then you are on your way!