Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009

All set for tomorrow's meeting with Julie of Mahoosuc Kids. In reading about her program, I discovered that there are 34 partner programs throughout the state. These are currently federally funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Center grants. This is part of the 'No Child Left Behind' act. Part of their challenge for 2009 is to create sustainable funding.
I also prepared the proposal for the other private high school I'll visit on Friday. I'll be gone tomorrow from 8:30am until about 6:00pm. Jim is covering afternoon daycare (which is right up there with cleaning the garage on his list of favorite things to do )! He has a very good heart :)


  1. Have a delightful trip to see your friend, Julie ~~ and be safe.

    It was wonderful to hear both the reminder of your meeting with Julie tomorrow in conjunction with your meeting on Friday . . . Powerful.

    Give Jim our big, "Thanks, Jim!" and let him know he's been just as big of part of the Boot Camp as anyone.

    Cool idea to have your son head up the scavenger hunt. I have to go back and listen to that part of the call again . . . me and Big Z must've been into something as I missed the details on this.

    Great job, Andrea. We'll see you when you get back, and as you carry, hopefully, fantastic news.


  2. I can finally comment on your page. Where it says comment as it did not have any thing there. I am so excited in what you are doing. You are really cooking. I would not be surprised If George Clooney did show up at your door. If he does I hope you give him a world changer mall. I was so happy to hear that your son was going to be in charge of the hunt you are having for T-day. I know that he was not enthused in the beginning. It's great that he has the vision too! Once you have these organizations they will all know the power and seek us out! It really starting to happen for you for sure. You certainly deserve it. And I thank you so much. Much of what you are doing and are thinking of doing, have been thoughts that I have kicked around, you and the gang have fine tuned them. I feel so much more equipped. Tess, you too have been such an inspiration to me too. Sometimes, I feel you are talking to me, and not the person your commenting to. You have such a way with words. Jackie was right today, saying that this boot camp has been the most invaluable to our company and our members for years to come. thanks again. Keep on blogging!
    so glad to be able to have contact with my family!
    Tina from ny-


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