Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 5, 2009

I spent a few hours doing some research that I think will be helpful. There are several e-malls available for non profits to choose from as their funding vehicle, as you all know. So, why should NPOs look at My PowerMall?
My PowerMall is the only one that I have seen that is self propagating. The concern of NPOs is that promoting an e-mall becomes just another thing on their plate.

By allowing staff, board and supporters to earn a sustainable personal income also, the burden is lifted. As Ginny said, people want to help others, but really need to help themselves also.

This morning, I called the Director of Advancement at McAuley High School again. I have sent several emails, letters and even dropped by the school and left a note. Still no response. Today's voice mail was " Hi, this is Andrea C, following up with you on the information I sent regarding funding for the school. I'd love to set an appointment for us to meet. Did you know that just since I first contacted you, McAuley HS has missed out on several thousand dollars of potential income? Yes,it's true - if your parents had just been paying tuition using their own World Changer Malls, and American Express gift cards, the school would have earned over $3000. I hope to meet with you very soon!"
I also sent Rus at St. Dom's the like to the income calculator so he could play around with it in preparing his own presentation to the principal.

I have to admit, I am getting frustrated by the lack of support from the Troopers. I am just not sure why they won't sign up with a mall to help Mike and Betsy. I decided to send followup emails to individuals asking what was preventing them from doing this. These guys are usually so supportive of each other. I am walking a fine line between supporting and annoying, so I will choose my words carefully.


  1. Great message with the high school, Andrea. Yahoo! As for the Troopers, just remember how busy life gets and how much is on everyone's plate at this particular time.

    Years ago, I read Deepak Chopra's book, "The Seven Spritual Laws of Success" and I recall he said that once we set our intention for what we want out into the world, we have to then let go of our attachment to its outcome. If we focus too much, then it becomes a tug-o-war, and it's stressful on us. So, while you're crafting your letter and walking the line you feel you're walking, between support and annoyance, FEEL your EMOTION like you evoked in us in your last email pertaining to your recently received Q. See and feel the end result you want, whether or not the words are written on the paper. Your message gets to all of them anyway. Then, let go of your attachment to their particular situation with regard to MPM --- let God and the Universe then do the work. F/U, sure. Answer queries, sure. Support the food pantry, sure. Grow your team, sure. Find others to support along the way, sure. But in your heart, know that you're trusting the outcome for Mike and Betsy, and for everyone there helping them and themselves, but that the outcome may not be in your own timing, but rather, in Divine timing.

    You're a fantastic person, Andrea, and I know your kids and your husband, and your critters, and friends, (and, and), are so blessed to have you in their lives. You ROCK, Andrea! As Big Z's Grandma says, "I'm giving you a pat-a-back" and just want you to remember how much you are doing in the unseen, and how much you are inspiring all of us out here in MPM WC Reality Boot Camp Land. Thank you.

  2. Hoping all is well this late Friday eve . . . thinking of you.


Here's how to help the food pantry and earn money yourself along the way!

Go to

Watch the intro video and World Changer video - very short!

Decide to become a World Changer and click the button!

You'll be directed to the sign up page and then you are on your way!